Everytime i blog, usually during the "wee" hours of the night, i will always ask myself something. "What did i do and didn't today?" If there's nothing big, i wouldn't feel like blogging. But, when i didnt blog, it would give me a feeling that i will lose a memory in life, a memory of a day, a precious one. These few days, i realised that this thought kept flashing through my mind. Today, 15 July 2006, there wouldn't be just an exact same day again. So why don't we treasure each day, record every happenings, small and big, so that we will not regret. There would NEVER be the exact day happening again, NEVER. So why not treasure each day? When i look at the clock everytime, i would think, i will never see this time again. Youth, is one of the BEST thing people neglected. I've read before an email regarding thoughts and thinking of people. When they are 15, they tend to have the thought of being older, like 20. But when they reach 20, they want to become 15. Thats regret(-ion). To all the youths out there, treasure your young, so that you will not regret. This is one of my best and meaningful post i should say, i guess. So now its my turn to ask myself the same thing. What did i do and didn't today. Nothing is best to describe 15 July 2006. Spent most of my time with closed eyelids. Woke up at only 1pm. Wanted to go to Alwyn's birthday party, ended up doing nothing at home. Trying to get more traffic to my site, but to no avail. I admire people whom have blogs, with almost a thousand unique visitors per day. Just hope that one day i would be just like them. My handphone destroyed my day too, or should i say my mother. She took it away first thing in the morning when i was still in my dreamland, playing. And made me running around the house finding it. Handphone is regarded as one of my most precious thing. A pastime. Literally, it helps me past time, or let the time fly. Not really about the handphone, its about SMSing. As the short-form says, short-message-service. Really, by communicating with short messages, it will take a longer time, thus, time flies! But, my handphone's crappy too. Almost anywhere, there wouldn't be a full-barred reception. Wouldn't care about it anyway. I'll just have to walk to an open space and send the SMS. Have you realised something, i could type out much from just a little, small, unoticed object. like an handphone. One can describe his life fruitful and one can describe his life just as terrible if ONE wants to. Its all in the mind. Every one is equal. We all share the same life. Its all about give and take. So if you think you life is terrible, just remember this, WE ARE ALL EQUAL. Obstacles are what that make us stronger. Back to TODAY. My dad got his Limo back. After not enjoying the spacious of the Limo for half a year, i found it BIG and spacious in it! And i realised some great proverbs again. People will only learn to treasure things after they lose them. Its really true. Things just got better between me and her. Happy i guess. But her attitude wasn't as good as before, towards me. Can't have better, i should already be happy that she would have the thought to sms me. My eyelids are closing already. Again, sleep calls me. Its already 1, 1am of tommorow. Wouldn't want to stretch my post to TOMMOROW. Well then, i should round up my day. "Nothing" was my day.
If you ever think that your life is terrible, remember this, "Everyone is equal, we share the same amound of weals and woes." And also, think of all the little, unoticed of, things in life, not until you lose it and start to regret.