Sunday, April 29, 2007

Two kind of Loners

Okay, its about the Loners again! Ding, no, I am not making a big reaction, I am just treating this like a debate, so that we know more about Loners and stuffs.

Oh ya. I met ALOT of loners that really ignore other people's existence even though I tried to get along with them. Well, I'm not very patient, so if I really cant communicate with them, I give up.


So now we know that there are two kind of loners.
Ones who hate themselves for who they are but don't take the initiative to change;
And ones who want to be accepted by the crowd, but they are not because for a reason or two.

For those who don't hope for a change, we can't really do anything, can we? Maybe I was always wrong about the Asian boy's massacre. Maybe he belongs to this group, but we don't really know. To these loners, save yourselves or just self-destruct. Don't blame the fault on the 'rich', 'popular' and those 'clicks'.

But in any case, there are also other kind of loners, so that shows that we should do our and every own responsibilty to try and be-friend them, don't we. We, the 'popular' or the 'rich' as the Asian boy wrote in his death-essay, are partially at fault for the massacre.

I guess that I would have to change my blog to identifying Social Issues or Loner's blog already. But really, this social issues topic, there are much to talk about it. This loners thing may be getting a lil' boring for you, readers. So please suggest more topics, or I would have to and search.

Ding, you may like to use the comment tool, as tagboard is not very trustworthy. You're a good commentor, thanks! I need more people like you... :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the post.. made me think..

1:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update! (:

12:00 AM


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